Equipment Loans

Keep your output up to your demand with a Parkway Bank Equipment Loan.

In business, you’re only as successful as your equipment will allow you to be. Stay ahead of your competition and equipment obsolescence with the flexibility that our competitive-rate equipment loans offer. Financing is typically repaid in monthly installments over the course of 2 to 5 years – giving you breathing room for everything else.

For more information about our Equipment Loans, please contact:

Juan Chavarin, Vice President, Business Development: (708) 867-2206 or

  • Competitive rates for the purchase of new or used equipment, plant facility expansion or improvements, or for increasing inventory permanently
  • Typically secured by specific equipment and/or real estate
  • Repayment terms typically between 2 to 5 years, repaid in monthly installments
  • Meet needs without cutting into working capital or savings
  • Stay ahead of the competition
  • Avoid lapsed periods in production and outdated equipment
  • Prompt, local decision-making and processing
  • Friendly, helpful service from our experienced lending team