Insurance Premium Financing Solutions
Finance insurance premium payments while preserving cash flow.
Life insurance premium financing is a way to fund the premium payments associated with a large life insurance policy, without significantly impacting an individual’s liquidity or cash flow. It allows you to maximize and even leverage your annual gifting exclusions and lifetime exemptions. In addition to premium financing, we offer clients the ability to leverage existing cash value within insurance policies for additional liquidity needs.
As one of the few banks in the Chicago area that specializes in premium financing, we leverage our expertise to provide you with comprehensive options to manage your cash flow.
- Financing of new and existing life insurance policies
- Competitive rates
- Multiple indices available for more pricing options
- Flexible loan terms up to 5 years
- Favorable advance rates on CSV (Cash Surrender Value), allowing you to maximize the amount borrowed
- No prepayment penalty
- Custom loan documentation
- Prompt, onsite decision-making
- Quality client service from our highly-experienced insurance lending team, focused exclusively on premium financing
For additional information, please contact:
Dominic Cotrano, Senior Vice President
Carlo Gozzi, Senior Vice President
Offer of credit is subject to credit approval.